Thursday 28 February 2013


Q1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge the forms and conventions of real media products?

Q2How does your media product represent particular social groups? [power point]

Q3What kind of media institution might distribute your mediaproduct and why?
What kind of media institution might distribute your from thespacecowboy

Q4 Who would be the audience for your media product?

Q5 How did you attract/address your audience?(use audience feedback video and discuss it)
The audience in my video in a whole were rather pleased on how i portrayed the magazine I had developed. The audience also commented about the magazines boldness and contrast making it interesting. The colours and the model fitted in well with its chosen genre. they were very pleased how I still kept the same colour scheme I used throughout each page of the magazine. However, one thing they recommended me changing towards the contents page was of adding another photo to correspond to one of the other leading story's and making the editors note title bigger. They said that the positives were the colour scheme and the images used and the front cover and editing and negatives were maybe choosing more images to go into the magazine.

Q6What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?[powerpoint]

Q7Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the full product?

Friday 15 February 2013

Audience feedback

Audience research video showing a selected number of people discusses the advantages and disadvantages of my magazine.

Monday 4 February 2013

Text for doublepage spread article

First page:
-quote: "Theirs nothing sweet about me"

Second page:
intro-The doors open of ACID studio, “Good morning Miss Doll” one of our assitance say, she returns the favour by giving off her iconic smile. The new face of house music has entered the building and ready to make an impression. ACID have honour to interview to one and only Cyber Doll.-Interviewed by Catherine Broadbent.
Q: Hi CyberDoll, A great start for 2012 we see here at  ACID
A:Oh yeah, definitely! i feel like this years has gone passed in a blur; But in a good way!
Q:You seem excited when you say that
A:Well ofcourse! who wouldnt be when your llife gets turned upside down?
Q:Would youl ike to describe how you got famous for the readers?
A:Well, yeah. I started getting my self out there back in spring 2006. I would perform for clubs, of course, i wasnt as popular then as i was now but i took a different stage name then.
Q:Oh, what was this name?
A:<Laughs>God, its so old, The name was like, Techno chan?
Q:Techno chan? sounds fairly japanese?
A:Yeah, i was a bit of a loser back in the day, sort of an obssession, i’m glad i changed it though now.
Q:So, we heard you have been just signed to Ed Banger records, notable for musicians such as Uffie, Mr Oizo and justice.

A:Yeah, its such and honour just to be apart of a label which has held some really good musicians and i hope i can deliver to be just as good, infact even better than them. I want to be better than the people who inspired me, and thats a promise

Q:That sounded very determined and competitive.
A:<Laughs> Yeah, i’m pretty bad for being like that. people think i’m innocent and such because of my stage name, but infact Theres nothing sweet about me.
Q:Have we found the fiesty side of Cyber Doll?
A:Oh,gosh no! i’m a really nice person actually, i mean lets hope so! I like to be as nice to people as i can ever be.
Q:Well you wouldnt be lying when the one and only Daft punk quoted that you were “the most kind hearted Dj out there”
A:Well, they are pretty kind themselves, it was a pleasure working with them on their new album.
Q:Maybe they were programmed to be nice?
A:<Laughs> No, i don’t think so, thet may wear robot helmets on stage, but their as real as anything!
Q:so, you have released your new album, would like to tell us whats it called?
A:Oh, ofcourse, my new  album is called Sweet Delight.
Q:And why is it called sweet delight?
A:Well, <laughs> you know  me, i’m kinda into all things cute and sweet, so i guess its an album that reflects my persona. especially when you have put all you work into something you really enjoy, that really shows.
Q:Ofcourse, it would make sense to create something like that. Does this reflect on the japanese cutesy persona?

A: Oh ofcourse! that essence is still in me! I adore japanese things, i’m just not obssessed with all of it. Here, look at this <Gets up and shows a a label on her skirt> This is a one of a kind Baby the stars shine bright design, And that a japanese fashion company!
Q:Funky, you must have a very unique style to ther musicians and DJs?
A: Well, i would like to think i am one of a kind, i do like to give people help in the music industry.
 Q:Do you have any advice to people wanting to become a DJ?
A:Oh, ofcourse! Never give up and always work on your mistakes, eventually you will get there. Deliver your best and be original.
Q:Thanks for taking your time out to talk to us and inform the rwaders about your self
A:its a pleasure, i hope i have adressed the fans aswell as the interviewer! I hope everyone enjoys the new album i created in the studio iveworked so hard on it
Q: Dont worry Cyber doll, i’m sure the fans will love your new album.
A: Thankyou and i appriciate this interview that has token place, i enjoyed it thoroughly!

Above:: Cyber Dolls new album “Sweet Delight”, check out Page 12-13 to see our review on it. and make sure to buy it on in store or itunes and give it a Like on facebook or tweet it on twitter.

Pull quotes-
”I took a different stage name then”
“i was a bit of a loser back in the day”
“It was a pleasure working with them on their new album””
“Never give up and always work on your mistakes”

Sketches and Designs

Draft of front cover

Draft of Contents page

Draft of Double page spread

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Written Plans for magazine

Ideas and mood board image of photoshoot:

Information on photoshoot:

Name of shoot: The electric mistress
Model: Hannah
Time: 16:00-17:00
 people present: Hannah and myself

Costume style:
.Casual and quirky t-shirt
.Heart pattered jumpsuit
.U.S printed highheels
.Heart shaped lips coloured in light pink lisptick
.Bright green and hazy purple eyeshadow coated around both eyes
.Green dyed fringe

Front cover:
.Model on front cover
.Masthead, "Acid"
. Main interview with cover model titled "Cyber Doll"-"interview with the new face of housemusic"
.Other storys include "Part around the Globe" "House fashion" "Top ten concerts of all time" and "Featuring"
.Promotional freebies on front cover

.Letter from the Editor
.contents title
.More colour scheme (5 main colours)
.Images holding the page numbers
.Title of magazine
. Columns with main content in them

Double page spread:
.Article featuring front cover star
.Small introduction of article
.One big picture on the left hand side of the double page spread
.Interview styled article

Main photoshoot - Contact sheet